Building Thermography
Our Instruction - To inspect and report on suspected damp ingress and condensation issues.
The Property - Residential Apartments, built in 1980s.
The Location - Clacton-on-Sea, Essex.
We are being increasingly instructed to produce thermographic reports on buildings. This is because thermography is a totally non-invasive form of inspection and large areas of suspected defective walls, ceilings and floors can be inspected relatively quickly.
In this particular case, we were asked to confirm matters after residents had complained of damp ingress and 'cold' areas, this for a long period of time. Many fixes had been attempted but the real issues were not being identified and thereafter remedied.
We were able to identify some inherent problematic detailing around the external balcony areas which we believe were at least partially responsible for damp ingress internally.
Our thermographic survey also identified air infiltration and cold bridging to some areas which is why, in our opinion, rooms felt cold and some surfaces were susceptible to condensation.
We use thermal imaging in conjunction with damp meters and hygrometers at all times.
The images below are only a small selection of those within our completed report.
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